Friday 11 March 2011

Spring is here...almost

Well we have seen a few rays of sunshine and have been teased with what is to come and I for one can't wait.  At the shop we have taken stock of the cutest bunny watering cans and quickly decided that we absolutely needed one, or at least my youngest did.  Here she is modelling our latest purchase.  These photos were taken on one of those gorgeously sunny days that happened a few days ago.  Will they be back soon?

Looking for alternative lullabies for your babies?

For any one who has been to the shop, you will have seen our range of Babies Go CD's  These are hugely popular and are basically lullaby renditions of iconic rock and pop bands.

These are just a few of what is available, however we have an extensive range.  My personal favourites are Coldplay, and seem to be the most popular at the shop too, however the guys at Babies Go... told us that every area that they are sold in, have their distinct favourites.  I'll leave you to guess what your areas favourite would be!

We've recently also found out that Chris Evans regularly plays the Take That version on his radio show, What a boost for Babies Go UK - Well Done Guys!!


  1. Those watering cans are super cute. My twins would love those! Mich x

  2. Only you just found your blog on BMB, your shop is lovely! I could spend many an hour in there! x

  3. I love those watering cans, my kids would love them too, following from bmb


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